
Now why are pharmaceutical drugs expensive?

They are expensive because pharmaceutical companies have to spend a large sum of money developing a synthetic product that they can patent. If they cannot produce a synthetic product that they can patent, then other companies can replicate the product and tap into the market, so they develop a synthetic product that they also have to spend large amounts of money testing. To get a return on their money, they need to sell lots of the drug, therefore they have a vested interest to have a patient continuing taking the product for as long as possible.

Modern drugs are designed to treat the symptom and not the cause of the problem. If the underlying problem exists, and you treat the symptoms, then a patient is going to need the drug for as long as they have the problem, which could be a lifetime.

Natural Products offer a cost effective alternative.

ecause you cannot patent a naturally occurring product (herb), all companies then have access to the same product that is known to treat a problem. This creates competition, not only on price, but also on quality. A company that produces natural products will not survive if they do not produce high quality products at a reasonable price, because if they don't, another company will.

Herbal products are naturally occurring , and are generally accepted by the body better than synthetic products. Natural products are used to treat the problem and not the symptom, so once the problem has been rectified, there is no need to continue taking the natural product unless the problem returns.

I have listed a few natural products below and the advantages that they have:

Eazol - a pain relief product can reduce the level of prostaglandins in your body. These compounds can cause the aches, pain and inflammation that make life miserable for so many people. Eazol helps to relax your muscles and to reduce swelling. It improves blood flow to areas such as the joints. The ingredients of Eazol work with each other, so that they're even more effective together than they are alone. And, they don't cause the sort of gastrointestinal irritation that can occur when you use many other kinds of pain reliever! With the recent removal of VIOXX and Celebrex from the market, millions of people are searching for an all-natural alternative. Eazol™ is the ONLY pain relief health supplement that includes a complete list of active botanicals in one easy to take supplement.

Melatrol which aids in falling asleep contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that have all been shown to promote relaxation and sleep. Valerian has been used for centuries for exactly this purpose; however the mechanism by which they worked were not known. Valerian contains a compound that stimulates sleep processes in the brain. Melatonin does the same as valerian, however melatonin is actually a compound that all healthy human beings produce in order to fall asleep. Melatonin regulates your perception of “night” and “day”, allowing you to fall asleep when night falls. Many people do not produce adequate levels of melatonin, and many have a melatonin production imbalance due to our modern hectic lifestyles. Irregular sleep patterns and long working hours can easily deregulate natural melatonin production. Supplementing your body’s natural melatonin will actually have a reinforcing effect: as your body readjusts to a regular sleeping pattern it will take over and start producing its own melatonin again. The ability to relax at night is crucial for a good night’s sleep; after all, even if you fall asleep but are unable to relax, you do not wake up rested. Instead you wake up tired and even more stressed than the day before.

Bowtrol: is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. Bowtrol is formulated to maximize one's elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most underdiagnosed of all medical conditions. You could be gaining weight, or at least not losing, even when you're eating healthy and exercising. If your thyroid isn't as active as it's supposed to be, your whole metabolism gets thrown off.
You may feel depressed, irritable and have trouble concentrating. You may lose interest in sex. You may develop irregular menstrual periods or become infertile. Your hair may turn coarse and dry, or even start to fall out. Your skin may turn pale and rough. You may develop headaches and always feel tired. You may feel cold all the time. You may get either constipation or diarrhea. You may develop goiter, which is a swollen thyroid gland.
An underperforming thyroid throws off other glands, too, like the adrenals. Your stress levels can get completely out of balance. Not everyone will feel each of these symptoms, but any combination of them can show up. Because these symptoms can be confused with other medical problems, and because blood tests don't always give an accurate result, you can have hypothryoidism and your doctor may not know it. Millions of people do!
There's no permanent cure for hyperthyroidism, but Thyromine can make your life come together because of its combination of natural ingredients that help your thyroid to perform normally.

During the digestive process, your body converts carbohydrates, found in starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, into sugar. Your body does this by breaking-down the carbohydrate molecule with alpha amylase, an enzyme that is produced in the pancreas.
These sugar calories are either burned off, through exercise, or stored as fat cells for future use. Unfortunately, inactivity means that these stored fat cells accumulate. The result is weight gain.
Phase 2 ® dietrine carb blocker, an exclusive, all-natural nutritional ingredient extracted from white kidney beans, "neutralizes" the digestive enzyme alpha amylase before it can convert starch into glucose and then fat. Essentially, it allows the carbohydrates to pass through the system possibly with less caloric intake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have joint pain, and the pain relievers I tried always upset my stomach. I started taking Eazol, and it really helped the pain. But the best thing is, my stomach finally feels normal. It must be Eazol's natural ingredients. Thank goodness!
pain relief